A FISA vote coming this week – UPDATED

UPDATE: On Tuesday, the House Rules Committee decided what amendments will be voted on – including a new disastrously bad amendment. So I’ve updated the post. There’s a new script at the bottom — if you’ve already contacted Congress, thanks, and please do so again. If you haven’t now would be a very good time to!

The clock is ticking: FISA Section 702’s authority for warrantless surveillance expires on April 19 it’s reauthorized. For the last few months, a bipartisan coalition of reformers have been focusing on two key improvements: adding a warrant requirement, and preventing intelligence agencies from end-running around the warrant requirement by buying data from data brokers. But the intelligence agencies, and surveillance hawks in both parties, are trying to get FISA reauthorized without significant reforms — and even expanad surveillance. Originally there was supposed to be a vote in December; it got postponed until February, and then postponed again.

Now, the plan is to vote in the House this week. The bill going to the floor doesn’t have any signifciant reforms (it actually weakens) oversight, but there will be a vote on an amendment to add a warrant requirement. Unfortunately there will also be a vote on an amendment that would significantly expand FISA’s scope; Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years has the details

Which means that RIGHT NOW is a great time to contact your Representative. You can either call the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or use the House directories to look up your legislators’ contact info. Here’s a short script:

“Stop the FBI from expanding warrantless surveillance of innocent Americans. OPPOSE the FISA amendment from Reps. Turner and Himes, which would be the largest expansion of FISA since Section 702 was created in 2008. And please oppose any attempt to reauthorize FISA Section 702 that doesn’t include warrant requirements, both for Section 702 data and for our sensitive, personal information sold to the government by data brokers.”

Things are likely to continue to change, so check back frequently! Dell Cameron of Wired is doing frequent updates in The Future of America’s Biggest Spy Program Is Being Decided Right Now.

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